Cold Cold Blood

Someone lit a match in his
chest, right below his heart.
His heart blistered where the flame touched
it, but he could not feel this. He lay
asleep, mouth agape and throat quietly wheezing.

The someone stood there with his hand
in the cavity, the chest rising and falling,
breathing as he slept. The flame
burned and sent his blood boiling
through his body, yet still
he did not wake up. He simply threw off
all his covers, no longer bitten
by the outside cold.

The flame sputtered
and sparked but still burned, almost
burning a hole straight through
his heart. It beat faster now, and
with more vigor.

The someone removed his hand
and match from the chest.
The man rolled over and coughed in his
sleep, burning blood flowing through his
body like an army, turning all his cold
cold blood hot.

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